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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Verka Serduchka (Верка Сердючка) the russian pop star

You will walk on the street but will not notice that the next is a star. Because Andrei Danilko everytime comes on the stage with false sponge breasts, make-uped face, ladies dress and the screen name "Verka Serduchka" (Vera Sweetheart).

At the 1976 the family of Danilko was living in a small room at a barrack. Later, Andrew moved to the capital of Ukraine. His mother was married and also left Poltava the barrack. But Andrei's sister, Galina Grishko still live in barracks.
But now Andrei Danilko is a famous singer in Russia and Ukraine. Everybody knows him by one name Verka Serduchka (Верка Сердючка).