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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Bianca (Бьянка) has no profile at vkontakte.ru

The facebook clone called "vkontakte.ru" in Russia. It is one of the most popular and fast growing social web site here. As usual, people created many fake profile pages of many popular persons and super stars. These days, it's not hard to get informations about those persons because of internet. Anyone can easily get confused in any social website to see their different profile.

Recently one of the most popular pop star in Russia Bianca (Бьянка) declared that she has no profile in vkontakte.ru. If there are some profiles by her name, they are fake. She has only a group in there.

She also has a official fan club website. Click here to go there.
In the photo, she is holding a plackerd, written there in russian " I am not in vkontakte".