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Monday, April 25, 2011

Speed blogging: write a blog post in twenty minutes

Blogging is very interesting. Almost everybody has blog this day. Here you can express your thoughts and boost writing skills with internet users all over the world. If your visitors find your blog interesting to read, they will visit it again and again. But sometimes it’s hard to find time to write and what you exactly want to say. So, here are my tips to write your blog with perfect timing. I call it ‘speed blogging’.

The duration of the each speed blogging will be twenty minutes.

Let’s divide this twenty minutes in four parts. Each of these parts will be in five minutes.

First five minutes: think about what you want to write, resource and usage.

Second five minutes: use any writing tool like MSword, notepade, wordpad or whatever to write your blog post. (200 words will be enough).

Third five minutes: find your post related photos in the internet to use them with your post. (You can use own photos also.)

Last five minutes: review your written post (grammar and spelling mistake). If you want, add some links. Or anything to makeup your post.

And hit the POST button. Done!!!