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Friday, June 3, 2011

How to be beautiful (for women)

Every woman dreams to be beautiful. Who is already beautiful, wants to be more. Everybody likes beautiful soul and body. So, all want to be beautiful. Standard of beauty, varying from age to age, in something still remained unchanged. Portrait of an ideal beauty is: the correct oval face, big-wide eyes, small nose and a large measure of his mouth. Add to this the long hair, slender figure, well-developed breasts.

Let's see, how to be beautiful.

Get enough sleep. Unhealthy complexion and sacks under your eyes sharpen the wrinkles, fatigue and headache - that's what "decorate" the lack of sleep. Try to go to bed until midnight and do not forget to sleep in the properly ventilate room.

Try every day at least an hour to conduct the fresh air. Skin cells need oxygen. You can get up early and take one or two steps to work on foot - more yards, not to breathe exhaust fumes of cars. Get out of town, walk in parks and squares, houses, wash the floors - is a proven way to make the air cleaner.

Move more. The motion of charges us with energy, adds strength and agility muscles, allows you to fully experience the physical perfection of the body. Good shaping, aerobics, strength training, Latin American and Arab dance. ... And if it is difficult to find time or resources to work in the gym, do it yourself. Always remember - it will help you become beautiful like what you want to be. Walking with children, friends or loved ones (or with them all at once) no less, and even more useful exercises under the guidance of an instructor.

Remember childhood- run, roll in the grass, play catch, hide and seek, dodgeball, beach volleyball. Ride your bike, arrange outings to the woods for mushrooms, down into the cave, discover the equestrian sport, decide, finally, to have rafted on the newly freed from the ice river, or at least every evening to walk the dog, but do not spend all the free time in the apartment, bustling on the farm. Domestic affairs will not disappear, but you have to think about yourself.

Eat right. Do not overeat, but do not force yourself to go hungry. Excessive consumption of salty, fatty foods, smoked meats, pastries and soft drinks will not benefit either the skin or the shape, so stop before you eat regular cake.

Food should be rich in vitamins and trace elements. For hair and skin particularly useful vitamins are A, E and B. You can take special vitamin-mineral complexes after consulting with a medical expert or can get them from everyday natural food. Make habit yourself to eat salad for breakfast at least three times a week, and on other days try to eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, greens, and buy bread made of flour, meal and milk products. Cottage cheese, cheese and milk contain calcium, they will help you to prevent dull hair and nails, broken teeth. Meat, liver, apples - a source of iron, fish and see food- iodine and phosphorus, which are also required by the body.

Quit smoking, and if you do not smoke - do not try. No expensive cosmetics will not save your beauty from the harmful effects of smoking on your skin and shape. Dry, with a grayish tinge to the skin mesh of early wrinkles, rough, though eternally hoarse voice, bad breath, it is time to forget the stereotype that a woman looks sexy with a cigarette. Moreover, we can achieve the opposite effect - many men who smoke representatives of the weaker sex apel rather than attract. In the end, there are hundreds of ways to draw attention to themselves, and then nicotine completely irrelevant.

Be moderate with alcohol. Then, as they say, no comment.

Every evening, as if you were not tired for a day, carefully clean the skin to the accumulated dirt of the day does not clog pores and does not interfere with the skin to breathe. You can do it with tonic or lotion, milk or gel cleanser, but the suit and plain warm water with good soap.

In the summer do not neglect the sunscreen preparations, especially if you have naturally light skin. By the way, through the clouds gets quite a lot of ultraviolet light, so Apply a sunscreen even on cloudy days.

Wear suitable to their age and type of skin moisturizing and nourishing agents. If young girls is enough to cause a light moisturizer, it is closer to forty it's time to fight wrinkles. By the way, do not apply the cream every day, sometimes let your skin rest. Quite often, change the cream, which was used before on an analogue of the other cosmetic lines. For two or three months the skin has time to get used to a certain cream, and its action is not so effective.

Look at your wardrobe. Of course, no clothes makes the person, but sloppy hoodie as a dress certainly no one to decorate. Look for their style in clothes and not be afraid to experiment. Expensive and not available to all boutiques - not the only place where you can stylishly dressed. If possible learn to sew and knit - a true exclusive you can only create with their hands. Not enough time for needlework? Do not hesitate to take second-hand and "flea" markets.

And the most important and simple rule to become beautiful - learn optimism. A bright outlook on life - a pledge inner beauty, but it is important, not less than well-groomed skin and beautiful hair.