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Friday, June 3, 2011

How to write effective blog article

Writing on my blog is a kind of addiction to me. Before monetize by google adsense and buying my own domain name, I used to write about everything happen around me. That time I never thought about online income or money making from blog. But now I am trying to take it seriously. It’s better to spread knowledge to everybody what I know instead of keep it inside. Here I am trying to describe how to write effective blog article.

You have to know, about what you are going to write. Take a pen and paper. Write down all your favorite topics like ‘photography, fashion, inspiration, movies, video, celebrity, lifestyle, web technology and etc.’ Now, chose your desired topic from them and start to write.

Blog article can be written in two ways (or many/any!?). Usual article like how we read in newspaper (need to study about the subject for long and write about minimum 1000 words) or short, effective and to the point (I call it speed blogging. To know about speed blogging, click on this line.)

I prefer speed blogging. It will contain four or six paragraphs. At the first paragraph of the article, write short description about what you are going to write down in the whole article. It’s the most important part. After read this, reader will decide to continue or leave reading. So, write it in interesting way.

If you are going to write a four paragraph article, at next two paragraphs, describe or explain about your desire topic. Try to not write bad things about it. Good things are always welcome everywhere. By your writing, readers will understand your point of view. So, let them know your clear cut good idea about everything.

No matter what, how many paragraphs your article will contain, you need to write conclusion about all paragraphs or whole article at the last paragraph. A good conclusion will make your article full. Keep it interesting. Your readers will come back to read your article again and again.

Personally I try to use these tips to write any article about anything like this. So, hope you will try this also. By the way, don’t forget to write a good title and add topic related photo(s) in the blog post with the article.